Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A weekend with FROGGY!

As promised....


The Goldstons said...

Don't worry - I stalk you too. :-) Love the colors of this one. And can't believe you have scrapped such recent pictures...I am SOOO behind. But then again, I don't have kids in school...ha! ha!

Michelle said...

I see you have quite the stalkers...LOL...I mean fans! ;^) I had to come check out your work here since you are SO QUIET on the Jan99 board!

Love the Froggy page..I haven't even STARTED Bryce's Kinder year yet and first grade starts in two weeks. Sigh. maybe I'll scrap it when he's back in full day school and I'm sure I'll be missing my baby...

Elizabeth said...

Great layout Channy! I love the colors. Sean is such a cutie!