Monday, April 19, 2010

Sponsor a Nesmith...

As most of you know I've been laid off since Mid February and trying to find a job is a challenge in itself but having to find affordable childcare is almost impossible!

I applied for a schlorship at our local Y.M.C.A the kids had a blast there last summer going to their camps while I worked.

Well summer is fast approaching and I need to be able to find work, interview and ultimately WORK so I need somewhere for them to go.

To make a long story short We were accepted for only $10 per child/so $30 per month for membership at the Y (and not the normal $145 a month)!! YAY that's the good news..the bad news is that we can't even afford that right now.

After we are members for 30 days we can apply for another scholorship to the camps for just $40 a week instead of the $130 a week for each child.

SO I know I need your help..I know I have at least 7 readers between family and friends.

SO if you would like to or can SPONSOR a Nesmith child for just $10 we would be oh so appreciative. It takes a village ... Please!!

PLUS:::::We will send you a batch of HANDMADE GREETING CARDS as a THANK YOU!!!

You can paypal it to :
