Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The sickies are upon us...

Everyone in my house is fighting something a fever, allergies, a cold, a headache, a cough...its miserable.
and I'm sooooooooooooo not used to this. Allyson didn't even have a common cold til she entered Kindy.
and since then she's been sick every week..its really wearing on us as I don't know how to treat a sick KID!!!
Last night I laid in the bed with her for hours as she coughed and coughed and coughed...finally I asked Alex to relieve me and finally she went to sleep with her daddy in her bed. This morning she's dressed as a princess as its DRESS UP DAY since her class (along with the whole school) won a book challenge.
We will take her to the docs this afternoon to see if there is anything ELSE we should be doing to give her a little relief.
Sean is also hacking and not really having an appetite. In fact he only wants to eat "OTTAMINS" (Almonds for those that can't speak Sean's language)