Friday, May 26, 2006

My First Grader SEAN!

Can't believe he'll be in first grade next year!

I was so proud of all the awards he got this year including one in Mathematics!
He cried today, the last day of school! He loves his teachers and his friends he's made over the past school year!

summer here we come!

sean Posted by Picasa

Easter Girls..

These were taken on Easter morning.

allyava Posted by Picasa

Allyson - 2nd grader!!

I can't believe she'll be in 2nd grade next year!
I boo hoo'ed at her awards ceremony! I knew she had excelled in all academic categories but seeing her get the awards just made me cry like a baby!

Allyson on Easter Posted by Picasa

Ava's Hat

How can you not LOVE this baby in her hat and check out those teefers!!

15months old..where has the time gone??

Ava's Hat Posted by Picasa